Sunday, September 12, 2004

Tune in Tomorrow

Well I did it and....

I had contemplated buying Anna a surprise gift for some time (like a secret admirer thing, although I'm sure it wouldn't be much of a secret) and today (well last night based on the time of this post) I decided to buy her a single red rose to put in her locker, which I did. Then the weirdness started.

When I got to work I quickly put the rose in her locker, as according to the schedule she was working in 30 minutes (it was 7:40pm at this time). Then I went out to work, and found out that the loveliest of lovelies was call in to work in Richmond. Damn. So now there's a rose in her locker which I assumed would remain until the next night when hopefully she was working at the location.

Little did I know that her Richmond shift was at 11pm or something like that, and I found out from someone that she had run into get her badge from her locker in a mad rush. Now the tough part: She WAS in a rush because I assume she had to get to work on time. From what "eyewitnesses" saw, she was frantically searching for her badge and since this rose was in the way, she threw it on the table, got her badge and rushed out. somebody put the rose on top of the locker. When I found out, I put the rose back in her locker. Now the following thoughts and questions are in my mind:

a) Should I make anything of the fact she threw the rose on the table? This can be interpreted as i) she was in a big rush ii) she thought it was a joke iii) she hates my guts. The silly thing was since I assumed she was to work at the location, I did NOT leave a note.

b) We are scheduled for the same start time tomorrow (well Sunday) so should I write a note now? She's going to go to work and find the same rose in her locker

c) There's no turning back now, I'm worried I did the wrong thing

Well, I guess the courtship continues on Sunday night, so stay tuned everyone.

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