Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another Death in Hollywood

Yesterday, Hollywood and the rest of the world was shocked and horrified to hear of the death of Australian actor Heath Ledger. Right now the circumstances and cause of death is still being investigated. Mr. Ledger was 28. He is the Joker in the new Batman movie due out in July. While I am saddened by the death of yet another actor way before his time, I am also saddened by the fact that (as it seems to be) drugs was the cause of demise. Heath Ledger will be boosted up to superstar status not because of his filmwork but because of his drug use. It's almost like it's cool to do drugs because when you die people will think you were awesome. Anna Nicole Smith led a controversial life and people mocked and made fun of her, but when she died, people were suddenly sad. There were so many examples. Sad indeed.

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