Friday, June 20, 2008

My Vegas Trip - Chapter 3: The Food

I managed to treat myself to a wide variety of food in Vegas. When we landed in Vegas and put our bags into the room it was close to midnight, but we knew of one place that was definitely open.... FATBURGER! For those who haven't been to one, you can guess what they serve. There were sizes from the BabyFat to the Double King. I managed to finish a couple of Double Kings during my trip to Vegas.

We went to the MGM Buffet which was wonderful (and filling). We also went to some smaller restaurants and cafes, and on the last night (after the Elton concert), Joe and I went to a seafood place called The Rosewood eat steak! It was divine. I can't decide if it was better than the ones I've had at Gotham here in town, but it's pretty close.

We'd also walked buy a restaurant that served Kobe Beef, which we were going to go to originally (after Elton) but couldn't get back in time. That would have been a $58 meal but we also came across a restaurant that was serving some other kind of beef (can't remember the name) at an astounding $240 for 8 ounces. Wow. Maybe next time.

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