It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm wide awake, so I'm going to just start typing here and see where it leads me. Grab yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and/or snack and enjoy.
I'm 50% relieved that I found a really nice basement suite to live in. It's a wee bit more than I probably can afford, but the area is nice and the landlords are great. If anybody cares (and I certainly don't), they are a same-sex couple with two children (Abby aged 4 and Dane aged 22 months). Both children are so cute (then again, aren't all children cute?). The landlords (Tracy and Janet) were concerned that the kids would make too much noise, considering my graveyard shifts and that I would be sleeping during the day. But I convinced them that it wouldn't be a problem. And I really don't think it will be. I look forward to sitting out on the porch enjoying the great summer weather (hopefully).
I'm 50% worried about my impending living arrangements after May 8. I was silly enough to give notice for May 1 not knowing that the place I found wouldn't be ready until June 1. But luckily the current tenants at my new place will probably be moving out earlier so the place may be ready the second week of May. I still may have a problem though. Friends have offered to temporarily house me, but it's my furniture and shit that needs to be stored somewhere. I'll look into temporary storage, but what sucks is that I'll probably have to hire a moving company TWICE, both to move into temporary storage and then move out of there into my new place. Oh well, that's life. Perhaps my current landlord might be able to let me stay a while longer. To be continued.
Work has been quite hectic. I've felt a lot of stress lately (exacerbated by my apartment search) in many areas. I feel a lot of coworkers are not doing their job and have gotten lazy. They also expect other people (like me) to do things for them. Why don't they just take care of the problems themselves instead of calling me to call whoever they are supposed to call themselves (know what I mean?)? It's true what they say "trust no one".
Next week (April 27-28) I'll be attending the training seminar with two colleagues (Chap Wing and Lubna) for the customer service and supervisory training "courses" that I in turn must teach to the casino staff. This is a big project for the casino, and an equally big project for me. I have no idea what the course entails, so hopefully I'll be able to do a good job.
Anna...Anna...Anna... strange but I feel that a little flame still flickers for her. There's just something about her, but unfortunately she is seeing someone, and I have learned NEVER to pursue someone who is attached. And so I must only admire her from afar. But if they break up....
Lily...Lily...Lily... I'm not sure what happened last week, but I am really pissed off at her (and Mei too). I don't want to get into it, but suffice to say that women can be incredible nags and whiners sometimes. They say things without really thinking about it. She said things which were pretty hurtful, even though she thought she was just "joking". As a result, we did not have our usual Thursday lunch. And next week's lunch won't happen because of my course. To be honest, I could care less.
And so, there is my rambling for now. I'm tired of typing and so I will rest. I hope all is well with everyone (if anyone is actually reading this). Sam, Elaine, Tiff, Be.... May the Force be with you, always.
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